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Traffic department issues citations to reckless drivers

In an attempt to clamp down on reckless driving and engaging in dangerous stunts on public roads, the Assistant Undersecretary for Traffic Affairs Major-General Jamal Sayegh, has instructed the General Traffic Department (GTD) to organize a campaign to curtail this phenomena. He also issued instructions to impound the vehicles involved in rash driving for two months.

Following increasing reports to the Ministry of Interior’s Operations Room of irresponsible and foolhardy driving, especially by youth in the south of the country, the Security Sector of the Ministry of Interior, under the supervision of Colonel Yousef Al-Khadda and Captain Salem Al-Radan, organized a campaign that issued 342 citations and arrested eight young men, most of them believed to be Kuwaitis and detained them at GTD prison.

The campaign in the south of Kuwait is said to be part of a larger move by the GTD to conduct such inspections in other parts of the country in the future.

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