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Tips to help diabetic people undertake fasting

Fasting is a signature event that marks the holy month of Ramadan. Devout Muslims undertake fasting from dawn to dusk every day for the entire month of Ramadan. They are permitted to eat and drink only before and after sunrise.

Though fasting is not a difficult ritual for most healthy individuals, it can prove strenuous for those suffering from diabetes, whose sugar level fluctuates drastically every now and then, as well as for those who are not healthy and are suffering from complications of diabetes.

If you, or someone you know, is diabetic and would still like to fulfill the obligatory duty of fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, here are certain points you need to keep in mind to avoid any major health issue.

Inform your doctor about your fasting: Fasting affects blood sugar and blood pressure too. So, it is important to inform your physician about your desire to fast, especially if you are on medication. This will help the physician to adjust your medicine timing and diet plan accordingly.

Stay hydrated: It is critical to keep your body hydrated at all times, but when you cannot have water or other liquids for the entire day during Ramadan fasting, it makes it challenging to remain hydrated. Remember to have plenty of fluids after Iftar to make up for water lost during the day, and at Suhoor to stock up on fluid content in the body.

Also, try to stay indoors or in cool areas to prevent dehydration.

Testing blood sugar level: Hypoglycemia can occur in diabetics when they are fasting. This means their blood sugar can drop drastically putting life in danger. So, it is advised to test your blood sugar level at least twice a day during fasting.

Do not skip your pre-dawn meal: Many people skip their Suhur meal. But as a diabetic, you should not adopt this practice as it can be life threatening for you. Also, try to eat adequately in the early morning.

In case of complication, immediately stop fasting. Your health should be your priority in every situation. So, if you are experiencing symptoms including extremely low blood sugar level, sweating, feeling tremors, hunger, confusion, dizziness or palpitations, you must immediately stop your fast and have a sugary drink.

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