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Three get 10 years in Malaysian Fund case, fined 183 million dinars

The Criminal Court, headed by Counselor Faisal Al-Harbi, has put behind bars a Sheikh, his partner and two expatriates to 10 years each and a lawyer to 7 years imprisonment in the Malaysian Fund case.

The court also ordered to the defendants to pay a total of 183 million dinars — 172 million for the first, second, fourth, and fifth defendants jointly and 11 million for the first, fourth, and fifth reports Al-Rai daily..

The court also ordered the confiscation of money deposited in their bank accounts after finding them guilty of money laundering charges.

The Criminal Court, headed by Counselor Faisal Al-Harbi, issued its ruling in the case of the Malaysian Fund, as it ruled a 10-year prison sentence for a sheikh, his partner, and two expatriates, a 7-year imprisonment for a lawyer, and fines totaling 183 million dinars, with 172 million for the first, second, fourth, and fifth defendants jointly, and 11 million for the first, fourth, and fifth. Confiscating the amounts seized in banks resulting from the money laundering operation, the benefits resulting from their returns, and the funds subject to the money laundering crime.

The Public Prosecution charged the three defendants, that they, “as an organized criminal group, were involved in money laundering crime in the Chinese currency, equivalent to 343,700,000 dinars, knowing that these funds were proceeds from crimes and theft of funds and investments of the Malaysian Sovereign Fund, that it was received and acquired by the first accused which he accepted a company in Hong Kong, as a commission in favor of the company owned by him, for contracting consultancy work to implement the Silk Road project that the second and third defendants falsely prepared for him, contrary to the truth, without any real business in return for him.

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