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Leading tobacco heating system IQOS from PMI is now available in Kuwait

Tarkan Demirbas, Area VP Middle East at PMI

QOS 3 DUO, the scientifically substantiated smoke-free tobacco heating system from Philip Morris International (PMI), a global leader in innovative, scientifically substantiated smoke-free products, was introduced in Kuwait. Kuwait is now the third country in the GCC to introduce PMI’s leading tobacco heating product, which, provides adult smokers who would otherwise continue to smoke with a better choice than continued smoking. 

Tarkan Demirbas, Area Vice President Middle East at PMI said: “Our objective is that all adult smokers, who would otherwise continue to smoke, switch as soon as possible to better alternatives and abandon cigarettes to their benefit and to the benefit of public health. The launch of IQOS in Kuwait is the most recent example of our commitment to offer the GCC’s adult smokers, with scientifically substantiated alternatives which, while not risk-free, are considered better alternatives to continued smoking.”

This launch builds on other recent global milestones related to PMI’s portfolio of smoke-free products. As of September 30, 2020, there are an estimated 16.4 million adult users of PMI’s IQOS tobacco heating system globally, of which 72 percent (over 11 million) have already stopped smoking and switched to IQOS.  It’s worth noting that IQOS is the first and only tobacco heating system that has completed the FDA`s Modified Risk Tobacco Product application process in the US with reduced exposure information. After having reviewed the totality of the scientific evidence available for IQOS, the US FDA has concluded that issuing an order authorizing IQOS to be marketed with information on reduced exposure to harmful or potentially harmful chemicals would be appropriate for the promotion of public health. 

PMI has been proactively disrupting its own business with almost all its R&D and most of its commercial investments being dedicated to smoke-free products. Since 2008, PMI has invested USD 7.2 billion in the development, scientific substantiation and production of smoke-free alternatives to smoking and will continue to do so in its journey to encourage adult smokers, who would otherwise continue smoking, to switch to better alternatives. More than 430 R&D experts, including 300 world-class scientists, currently work on the company’s smoke-free portfolio.

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