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The government asks the National Assembly to expedite 9 draft laws

The government has officially requested the National Assembly to expedite the consideration of 9 draft laws. Arabic daily Al Rai reported

The government request was included in the list of messages received on the agenda of Tuesday’s session.

1- A draft law amending some provisions of Law No. 26 of 1962 regulating prisons.

2 – A draft law regarding public meetings and processions.

3 – A draft law on the elected.

4 – A draft law regarding private security and guarding companies.

5 – A draft law amending some provisions of Decree Law No. 13 of 1991 in the matter of weapons and ammunition.

6 – A draft law amending Article (8) of Emiri Decree No. 15 of 1959 in the Kuwaiti Nationality Law.

7 – A draft law regarding the residence of foreigners.

8 – A draft law amending some provisions of Decree-Law No. 67 of 1967 in the matter of traffic.

9 – A draft law establishing the State Council.

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