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The EU Ambassador launches a stamp to mark the 5th Anniversary of the Cooperation Arrangement

The European Union Ambassador to Kuwait Dr. Cristian Tudor hosted in his Residence the launch of the stamp to mark the 5th anniversary of the Cooperation Arrangement between the European External Action Service and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait. The launch was attended by members of Kuwait Philatelic and Numismatic Society Mr. Mohammed Abdel Hadi Jamal and Dr. Adel Hussain Al-Abdul-Razzaq as well as the French Ambassador to Kuwait Claire Le Flecher, as France holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union.

During the event, Dr. Cristian Tudor thanked the Kuwaiti Philatelic and Numismatic society for their valuable contribution to the design and production of the stamp. He also thanked the Ministry of State for Services Affairs for issuing the stamp. He said that the stamp consists of landmarks from each of the 27 EU Member States. He stressed that Kuwait was the first GCC country to sign a Cooperation Arrangement with the European Union. This Arrangement is a cornerstone in EU-Kuwait relations, which paved the way for the EU and Kuwait to deepen dialogue and to develop cooperation in various areas such as trade, investment, economy, human rights, security, humanitarian assistance cooperation and development. The EU Ambassador concluded his speech by sending his best wishes to the Emir of Kuwait HH Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and the Crown Prince HH Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and the Kuwaiti people on the occasion of Kuwait’s National Day and Liberation Day.

Dr. Adil Al-Abdul Razaq, board member of the Philatelic and Numismatic Society addressed in his speech the design and the production of the stamp. He also thanked the Kuwaiti artist Jaber Al-Hindal from the Philatelic and Numismatic Society for his notable work in designing the stamp. Dr. Adil presented to the EU Ambassador and the French Ambassador framed copies of the stamp.

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