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Telecom companies maintain their profits by continuous investment in 5G services and attracting customers

In light of the great digital boom that the world is witnessing today, telecommunications companies in the Kuwaiti market are working to keep pace with the continuous change in customer habits, the great trend towards digitization in all areas of life, and the increase in competitiveness in prices and services provided, especially with the anticipation of the launch of Virgin Kuwait’s business, the first virtual operator to join the “Zain”, “stc” and “Ooredoo” telecom companies which will ignite the race to attract customers with mouth-watering offers and exceptionally low prices.

Many of the developments in the telecom world raise many questions about ways to ensure that the sector companies continue to achieve profits for their shareholders over the coming years, and the extent of their readiness to invest huge sums in their towers, networks, operations and operational entities to maintain leadership in the market, says a local Arabic daily.

This comes with the continuous development that companies are witnessing in the field of fifth generation services, as Kuwait is one of the fastest countries in the region in providing it commercially to more than 7.8 million customers starting from the last half of the year 2019, after the approval of the Communications and Information Technology Authority (CITRA) to provide 5G waves.

Broadcasts dedicated to the “5G”, allows its beneficiaries to obtain a speed of Internet connection and data transfer that is 100 times that of the fourth generation and before.

Within the services provided by the three telecom companies operating in the local market, the various digital packages offered by them, which give customers free calls and messages on the same network, in exchange for monthly subscriptions at exceptional prices, in addition to rewarding them with a smart phone at a relatively low cost.

What helps companies to provide rewarding subscriptions is their prior knowledge by studying the uses of individuals, and knowing the volume of their use, which leads them to tempt them to increase the internet capacity they get for the same subscription that they paid earlier.

Here, the issue of investments in building networks and towers that companies made at the beginning of their inception, which began to bear positive results in terms of continuous revenues that help companies to withstand in light of the customers’ trend towards greater digitization, amid the large spread of smart phone devices in the hands of customers from all categories.

The telecom companies’ offers come within the framework of the digital transformation plans that Kuwait is witnessing at all levels, as the telecom sector is considered one of the most important contributors to achieving them on the ground, which prompts its companies to offer distinguished offers on the use of the Internet and encourage customers to obtain them, with the prior knowledge that these offers offers may result in lower regular calls made by customers.

Experts confirm that the cost of Internet subscriptions provided by telecom companies is relatively low, despite the companies investing large sums in improving network performance and performing periodic maintenance during certain periods of time, while the packages offered are suitable for all categories of customers, as companies know when they are offered.

Some of them are suitable for students in universities, while others are suitable for companies and businessmen, which makes them gain their confidence at all levels.

Cyber security

The Kuwaiti market is living in a frantic race in the current days between telecom companies, in order to expand their families of companies by providing cybersecurity services, artificial intelligence, the Internet of things and cloud computing, in parallel with the Communications Authority recently introducing the general framework for cyber security in the country, which comes under the umbrella of the digital transformation that Kuwait is witnessing at all levels within the framework of the “New Kuwait 2035” vision, in which the transformation of service to digitization is the main element in the public and private sectors.

This is also accompanied by the establishment of many digital entities with companies operating in the local market, such as “Zain Tech”, “ZAIN ESPORTS”, “Ooredoo Business” and “solutions by stc”, which all come to enhance the success of companies operating in the sector, within the framework of Its continuous studies and plans to satisfy the ever-changing aspirations of customers.

Companies see themselves facing several challenges, foremost of which is keeping pace with the great demand for the use of the Internet and digital technologies and applications, which pushes them to innovate and challenge themselves by offering competitive packages and services that increase their success in attracting customers, and ensure their continued access to high revenues.

The three telecom companies annually pump millions of dinars in investments to serve their customers in the local market, with everyone convinced that the great development the world is witnessing does not leave room for them and for the newcomer to the sector, except by pumping investments and concluding partnership agreements with international companies and institutions, to benefit from its experiences, and making the Kuwaiti market one of the most advanced in providing the highest levels of service in the world of communications.

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