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Technology to allow washing machines to sort clothes according to fabric

German researchers have developed a model of a miniature sensor capable of recognizing the types of clothing fabrics, enabling automatic washing machines to adjust all settings on their own, and saving water and energy.

Euro News reported that the new technology makes sorting laundry by color easy. All you need is a small device carrying a camera that enables you to sort the clothes in the first place, and also has the ability to recognize the type of fabric, reports Al-Rai daily.

Euro News added that it is no longer necessary to read clothing labels since researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany developed a device capable of automatically recognizing the composition of fabrics, pointing out that this technology in itself is not new; rather, it is called a “spectrometer,” and it allows identifying the composition of the product based on its light spectrum.

But what is new is the ability of scientists to reduce this system to the size of a cell phone camera, and to make it available in an affordable amount to everyone.

German researchers are developing this sensor in cooperation with specialists in the home appliance industry, and it is expected to become available starting next summer.

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