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Taiwan Product Online Launch for the Middle East Market

Commissioned by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council held an online Taiwan Product Launch for the Middle East Market at 10:00 on November 11. More than 100 potential buyers and media joined this event via Youtube Live steaming. 

We were pleased to have the opening remarks delivered by the President, Ms. Ghadeer Al-Juma, of the Kuwait Association of Entrepreneurship for Development, for her opening address, in which she noted Taiwan’s success in preventing the COVID-19 epidemic. Taiwan’s success in combating the epidemic can be attributed to its excellent public health system, medical services and the collaboration of high-tech companies to produce anti-epidemic medical equipment. The Kuwait Development Entrepreneurship Association is keen to learn more from Taiwan and help the Gulf countries to combat the epidemic together. 

Also, we invited Mr. Sulaiman Al-Mughairy, Director of the Commercial Office of the Kingdom of Oman in Taiwan and Mr. Abdullah Al-Sadoun, Member of Shoura Council in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to join this event. The Director Al-Mughairy mentioned the event will further help introduce and bring Taiwanese products closer to Middle East buyers.  And Mr. Al-Sadoun noted that business ties people together and it will build win-win situation between Taiwan and Gulf.

The event served as an important platform for Taiwanese companies to introduce their latest products to potential buyers and media in the Middle East. The seven Taiwanese companies participating were GENERAL BIOLOGICALS, TAIDOC TECHNOLOGY, TEX-RAY INDUSTRIAL, AMCAD BIOMED, E-DA MEDICAL FOUNDATION, TAIPEI BEITOU HEALTH MANAGEMENT HOSPITAL and MITAGRI CO., LTD.

AmCad BioMed Corporation is committed to the research and development of AI smart imaging software and is the world’s first manufacturer of medical material approved by the United States FDA for its Ultrasonic Computer-Assisted Detection (CAD) device. 

E-da Healthcare Group discussed its cell regenerative medicine and immune cell therapy. 

General Biologicals Corporation demonstrated its Testing and R&D Technology. 

TaiDoc Technology Corporation shared its blood glucose monitors, blood pressure monitors, ear thermometers, testing and analysis and telemedicine solutions. 

Beitou Health Management Hospital in Taipei offers health management services and beauty medicine at its Hot Spring Hotel. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tex-Ray Industrial has obtained FDA certification for the manufacturing of protective gowns and other personal protective equipment (PPEs).

Mitagri displayed its high-quality fresh fruits, vegetables, and halal-certified processed foods from Taiwan. 

To date, Taiwan has been relatively unscathed by the global spread of COVID-19. As the pandemic cannot be stopped by one country alone, Taiwan stands ready to do its part. Taiwan launched an online platform to share successful anti-COVID-19 experiences and information and explore the potential of delivering Made-in-Taiwan anti-pandemic products worldwide. Please visit the official website for more information. 


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