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Swiss minister calls for consolidating bilateral ties

Assistant State Secretary and Director Middle East and North Africa Division at the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Maya Tissafi, who arrived on a one-day visit to Kuwait today held consultations on political and other bilateral affairs with the Assistant Foreign Minister for Europe Affairs, Ambassador Nasser Al-Hayen.

During discussions, the Swiss minister, who headed a high-level delegation, underlined the need to further strengthen bilateral relations with a special focus on promoting dialogue, reducing regional tension, and humanitarian activities. The visit is expected to pave the way for upcoming high profile visits on both sides.

Minister Tissafi and the accompanying delegation together with the Swiss Ambassador Dr. Benedict Gubler also paid a courtesy visit to former prime minister His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah. During the visit, Swiss Ambassador Benedict Gubler thanked His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah and the Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their valuable co-operation and stated that the relations between the two friendly countries are excellent.

The Swiss delegation during its one-day stay in Kuwait also met with the Head of Regional Delegation for the Gulf Cooperation Council countries of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Omar Odeh, and discussed humanitarian development and cooperation opportunities between the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and ICRC.

Swiss-Kuwaiti ties date back to 1966 with existing bilateral diplomatic relations and exchange of visits between government officials taking place for more than 55 years.

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