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Stopping issuing work permits for Egyptians purely Kuwaiti matter

While there is no official Egyptian comment on Kuwait’s decision to stop issuing work permits to Egyptians since last September 17, sources in the Ministry of Manpower in Egypt said “there are consultations regarding the decision with the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the decision is being dealt with carefully since the decision by Kuwait is its internal affair.

The sources told a local Arabic daily, “The vision will become clear, after consultations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a statement may be issued to clarify the situation regarding those who have already obtained the visas, or how to deal with employment requests that the ministry receives from the Kuwaiti authorities, the latest of which was a request for doctors and nursing staff for a medical center.”

Parliamentarian, a member of the House of Representatives, Muhammad Al-Samoudi, said he has submitted, through the Speaker of the House, a “request for briefing” addressed to the Minister of Manpower regarding the Kuwaiti decision.

“The authorities in Kuwait suspended work permits for workers coming from Egypt until further notice, one day after stopping work on the electronic link memorandum between the two countries,” say sources.

He added, “The decision was taken for several reasons, as the Kuwaiti authorities said, the most important of which is working to develop a new mechanism to control recruitment from Egypt, and to work to decisively apply laws and regulations regulating the labor market.”

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