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Still no clear solution on Philippine workers as dialogue continues

There is still a lack of a clear solution to the Filipino labor crisis due to the divergence of views and positions during the negotiations that took place in Kuwait, the round of talks ended without announcing a solution, Arabic daily Al Rai reported

The Philippines announced that it would remain open to constructive dialogue on how to address the current circumstances and concerns, indicating that the delegation, which included officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Migrant Workers, stressed during the talks full respect for Kuwaiti laws, and deep appreciation for the presence of more than 200,000 Filipino workers who consider Kuwait their second home.

According to what was announced by the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the delegation made it clear that all measures taken by the Manila embassy in Kuwait are only to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens, and that providing protection for citizens of a country abroad is a well-established duty of consular offices under international law and agreements. The Ministry reassured the Filipino workers in Kuwait and their families that all support and assistance from the government would be provided to them.

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