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Special courses and services for 132 talented students after graduation

The Sabah Al-Ahmad Center for Giftedness and Creativity held the first forum for graduates of the Talent Academy, which is concerned with detecting talented students and providing them with an intensive program that contributes to refining and developing their skills, and enhancing their achievement and creative abilities.

Riyadh Al-Sharaf, Director of the Office of Strategies and Planning, Director of the Talent Department at the Center, which is affiliated with the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, said that the Center is launching a special initiative for the Academy’s graduates, in order to maintain communication links with them during their university life, while providing educational services that suit their levels in all disciplines, whether inside or outside Kuwait.

He explained that the initiative, which will be launched soon, will provide services to about 132 post-graduate students, including holding lectures and seminars, according to their interests and inclinations, to provide them with everything new in knowledge, science and technology, as well as hosting important personalities, providing training courses, and registering patents.

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