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‘Sorry for killing most of humanity’, an exhibition dedicated to artificial intelligence

“Sorry for killing most of humanity,” announces a screen linked to an artificial intelligence system, addressing a visitor entering the Misalignment Museum, a new exhibit dedicated to the controversial technology in San Francisco, the heart of the technological revolution.

The computer is programmed to recognize and disclose three characteristics of any individual within its view, surprising visitors who, like most of the works on display, find it both disturbing and amusing, reports Al-Rai daily quoting AFP.

“The concept of the museum is that we are in a post-apocalyptic world, where artificial intelligence has wiped out most of humanity, and then realized that this was a bad thing, so it created something like a memorial to them, hence the slogan of the exhibition (Sorry for killing most of humanity),” said exhibition director Audrey Kim.

Artificial “general” intelligence is a more nebulous concept than artificial intelligence. Audrey Kim said, “It is an artificial intelligence that is able to do anything that humans do and influence itself as well like a tool that is able to repair itself,” by equipping machines with human cognitive capabilities.

San Francisco, specifically Silicon Valley, is full of emerging companies specialized in creating various types of artificial intelligence, and some of them dream that in the future it will be possible to deal with a machine as if it were with a person.

Audrey Kim pointed out that these aspirations and efforts, whether realistic or delusional, contain a powerful “destructive energy”.

Her goal, through this temporary exhibition, which she hopes will become permanent, is to encourage reflection on the current and future dangers of artificial intelligence.

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