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Smugglers peddle subsidized food supplies abroad

Local officials foiled the prohibited exportation of subsidized goods after inspections of outgoing shipments by the Land of Customs Department, under the Inspection and Warehousing Control at Sulaibiya.

Through the directives of the General Administration of Customs to audit and inspect cargos headed overseas, in addition to the endeavours of the Land Customs Department to examine all outgoing shipments, the mentioned contraband were caught being prepared for exportation outside of Kuwait, reported the Director General, stressing that the seizure of the goods were part of the campaign to confiscate illegal exports. A customs seizure report was handed over to the Ministry of Commerce – Supply Department for appropriate actions against the smugglers.

The Customs likewise stated a warning against those responsible for the shipment and distribution of prohibited goods, cautioning to expose violators and hold them accountable, plus take legal actions against them.

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