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Smart shoe that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy

A Tunisian man, Rayan Al-Mannai has developed a smart shoe that converts the energy of walking into electrical energy that can charge electronic equipment, in an effort to find a renewable and clean source of energy, while the world is complaining about the consequences of climate change.

Ryan, 22, succeeded in designing a smart shoe that converts kinetic energy into electrical energy that allows charging mobile phones, smart watches, digital panels and headphones.

Ryan explained its design, saying, “The smart shoe is made of leather, and is intended for daily use and produces energy whenever the wearer moves, as it contains components in the sole of the shoe distributed under the entire foot.”

These components convert from mechanical energy to electronic energy, as they are connected to a battery concentrated in the heel of the shoe to store the energy produced from the movement, and it is also connected to the charging port in the heel of the shoe.

Ryan said the idea for the shoe design came from his desire to urge sedentary employees to walk and move as much as possible in order to achieve their goals and save energy to charge devices.

He also emphasized his endeavor to reduce people’s consumption of regular energy, as all shoes can generate alternative energy through body movement.

He continued, “I am interested in plastic art, especially graffiti, and I study shoe design. I chose to solve the energy problem while participating in a national design competition, after I noticed that consumers were complaining about depleting devices when they went out to spend their needs for long hours outside the house or for a walk.”

The talented young man considers that the idea of ​​designing the smart shoe comes from his interest in the field of responsible and environmentally friendly fashion, as he dreams of developing fashion products to serve humans and animals and maintain a healthy environment for all creatures to live in.

In this context, Ryan added that he is in the process of developing a smart product for pets that will support the preservation of the environment.

He explained that he dreams, with the appearance of this smart product in public, to enter the Guinness Book of Records.

In addition to his interest in the field of smart design, the Tunisian young man is launching his own project next January, with his friend.

The project is represented by a company to take care of the intangible cultural heritage, as it is concerned with reviving traditional dress and Carthaginian songs written in the Canaanite language, and everything that is about to disappear from the Tunisian cultural heritage.

Ryan considers that “his interest in investing in the field of traditional industries, especially clothing, is a starting point for working on introducing technology into clothing, while preserving the privacy of respect for nature in authentic, developed or modern clothing, which is the ultimate challenge for his project.”

It is noteworthy that Ryan won the first prize in the Euro-Mediterranean competition “Crystal Heel Creations 2022”, and continues his specialized education in the field of fashion and shoe design.

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