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Skin tags and 3 safe ways to remove them without risks

Many people with age, especially women, notice the appearance of skin tags in different parts of the body, and they can appear in the form of skin growths on the neck, lower arms, and perhaps around the thigh, which may cause inconvenience to many people, especially if the person could not hide it.

Research indicates that more than half of adults will develop at least one skin tag during their lifetime, reports Al-Qabas daily.

Dr. Angela Lamb, a dermatologist at Mount Sinai in New York City, confirmed that these signs are not dangerous or harmful, but are completely benign.

But because skin tags can be associated with other conditions, it’s important to understand how to identify them and when to talk to your health care provider.

Skin tags are soft growths that protrude from the surface of the skin. They can vary in appearance but are usually the size of a small pebble or grain of rice, and can be flesh-colored or darker.

Because skin tags can sometimes resemble signs associated with skin cancers, it’s often wise to see a doctor to confirm what type of growth you have.

“Anything that concerns you, and any new growths extending from the skin, should be examined,” Dr. Lamb said. With regard to what causes skin growths, she did not decide the matter, and said: It is likely to appear with age and tends to appear on parts of the skin that rub against each other.

She added that it is more common in pregnant women, so hormones could play a role, and it also tends to be hereditary. She said: If your parents had skin tags, chances are you will have skin tags too.

And while some research has indicated, according to the New York Times, that the presence of skin tags is associated with insulin resistance as well, which is a precursor to type 2 diabetes. Whitney Bowie, MD, a dermatologist in Westchester County, N.Y.

If a lot of them show up, bring them to your doctor’s attention, because he or she might recommend a blood test.

Dr. Lamb said since it does not cause any harm, there is no need to remove the skin tag. However, some people like to remove them because they find them unattractive or annoying, and the safest way to remove skin tags is with the help of a dermatologist.

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