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Sitting on the floor causes knee stiffness: Dr Rushdi

Dr. Tariq Rushdi, consultant orthopedic and artificial joint surgeon at Al-Razi Hospital, confirmed that knee and hip joint replacement operations are among the most successful, noting that their success rate is very high.

Rushdi, who performed the first total knee joint replacement operation using a robot in Kuwait, explained in an awareness lecture he gave at the Sinmar Hall at Sabah Al-Salem University in Al-Shadadiya yesterday morning, that it is a common mistake to consider that the robot is the one performing the operation, pointing out that the robot is just a friend that helps the surgeon measure the size of the artificial joint and place it more accurately during the operation. This gives a better result for the patient, but the decision during the operation is for the consultant, not the robot.

He explained that there are bad habits that lead to knee osteoarthritis that many suffer from, such as sports injuries and sitting on the floor for long periods. He pointed out the gradual progression of treatment before making the decision to operate and replace the knee, advising those who suffer from knee osteoarthritis not to delay in seeing a doctor.

Meanwhile, Director of the Community Service and Continuing Education Center at Kuwait University, Fatima Bahman, said the awareness lecture comes within the scheduled lectures on the academic year’s agenda for this year, with the aim of educating students on diseases, their symptoms, and ways to prevent them.

She pointed out that there are other awareness lectures, including religious, social, sports, recreational, and legal, and in a way that help students and educate them to face the difficulties of life and contribute to their academic success through the important information they receive from these lectures.

She pointed out the good response of the audience to the lecture about knee osteoarthritis, its causes and treatment, pointing out that the interaction was good through participation in asking valuable and sensitive questions, stressing the role of Dr. Rushdi had a good impact on the students’ response.

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