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Sheikha Intisar participates in a webinar about women’s rights

Sheikha Intisar Al-Sabah, a prominent and renowned Kuwaiti campaigner for rights of women in the Gulf, participated in a webinar in Brussels on how women empowerment has made big strides in Kuwait in education, politics and economy. During the webinar intitled “women empowerment in the Gulf,” organized by the European Parliament’s Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula (DARP) Thursday evening.

Sheikha Intisar said, “There is a big shift in female empowerment in Kuwait, the freedom of speech in Kuwait makes it so progressive.” Schools for girls and boys were established way back in 1911 and the first group of girls to be sent abroad for study was in 1966, she referred. In a video link, the Kuwaiti campaigner told the MEPs that she runs three non governmental organizations; one in Kuwait and two others in Jordan and Lebanon to work on the mental health of women affected by war and violence. In Kuwait, they teach positive psychology to students to spread positive thinking through various activities, and In Lebanon and Jordan they use drama therapy for women affected by war and female victims of violence, she explained.

“We cannot get to women empowerment if women don’t realise their value, no matter how much legislation we put,” Sheikha Intisar Al-Sabah stressed. On her part, Hannah Neumannm, chair of European Parliament’s Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula (DARP), in her introductory remarks said that women empowerment is an issue “where we can learn from each other.” She noted that during her visit to some Gulf countries, she saw a very big step forward in women’s rights. “Hopefully this will be a start of an engagement leading to a conference with a physical presence,” she said.

Naumann, a German MEP, announced that DARP is planning a visit to Kuwait in February next year if the situation permits related with the coronavirus crisis. Eva Kaili, a Greek MEP, told the webinar that Kuwait is “very progressive and it also has participation of women in its political life.” “I think we see a model for all Gulf countries,” she added. Campaigners for women empowerment from Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE also spoke at the webinar about the developments in their countries on women’s rights.

Meanwhile, Kuwait’s ambassador to the EU, Belgium and NATO, Jasem Al Budaiwi, expressed his happiness that the Kuwait embassy also participated in the webinar. “We all feel proud in Kuwait what women have achieved so far and how women have become an important example for others in the region,” said Al Budaiwi.

He expressed happiness to note such interest by the European Parliament in this important issues for the GCC countries and for the efforts by DARP, appreciated in this regard, their efforts to inform the members of the European Parliament of this important movement in the Gulf region,” he noted. DARP covers inter-parliamentary relations with Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen as well as the Contact Group of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).


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