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Severe dust storm expected tomorrow

High intensity northwesterly winds that may exceed 70 km / hr raising dust, leading to a decrease in horizontal visibility to less than 500 meters and may be absent in some areas, especially open areas, forecast the Meteorological Department.  Meteorologist Issa Ramadan warned in a statement to Al-Qabas daily about the intensity of the winds during the next 24 hours, stressing that they will be strong tomorrow, Friday, especially in the afternoon. The dusty weather is likely to begin at three o’clock tomorrow evening and end at three o’clock on Saturday morning.

The public are advised not to go out in the afternoon or return home tomorrow before 3 pm. The strong winds will be accompanied by dust and may carry pollutants, as well as plant pollen, hence he stressed the need to adhere to wearing masks.

He pointed out that this is his advice to people, especially with alerts from the Meteorological Department, which extends to Saturday dawn, adding that these heavy dusty winds undoubtedly affect the respiratory system, especially maybe harmful to those suffering from diseases such as asthma and allergies.

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