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Second ghastly murder in less than a week shocks Kuwait

Kuwait once again has been shocked by a ghastly murder when two girls allegedly stabbed her mother several times and decapitated her body, and put the head in a bag to get rid of it before police rushed to the scene of the crime and took into custody the two daughters.

After the Operations Room of the Ministry of Interior received a report on the murder, yesterday evening securitymen, Forensic men and emergency medical servicemen rushed to the house and found the corpse of the woman and the decapitated head inside a bag, reports a local Arabic daily.

A security source told the daily the ages of the suspects are not known but added they live in the same house and the murder was a result of constant dispute and quarrels with the mother. Earlier the country was shocked when an Asian admitted to stabbing to death three Kuwaitis – father, mother and their daughter.

According to reliable security sources they are bedoun, and a premeditated murder case has been registered against the suspects.

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