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Scientists develop distinct vaccine to prevent allergies

The Institute of Immunology Sciences in Russia announced that its experts were able to develop a new distinctive vaccine that helps prevent allergies.

On the subject, Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Innovation at the Institute, Igor Shilovsky, said: “Russian scientists were able to develop a distinctive vaccine against allergies from pollen released by birch trees. With the new vaccine, a person needs from 3 to 5 injections to prevent allergies, while he needs 30 injections with other current vaccines, reports Al-Rai daily.

He added, “We are currently in the pre-clinical studies stage for the new vaccine. This vaccine completely protects against allergies to pollen produced by birch trees, as well as other allergens such as apples, peaches and peanuts. The vaccine has no harmful complications, and it can be used in high doses to increase effectiveness.

Shilovsky pointed out that “allergic cases among people are increasing. In some European countries, for example, this percentage may reach 30 percent, and in Russia it may reach 10 percent. By 2050, one out of two people in Europe may suffer from some kind of allergy.”

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