Scientists have announced the discovery of the largest cosmic explosion in history, according to what was published by the journal “Monthly Notes” of the British Royal Astronomical Society.
Scientists explained, according to Al-Rai daily, that this explosion is 10 times more powerful than any similar explosion, and it has remained glowing for 3 years, although the nova continues to shine for only a few months, according to what was reported by the agency Agence France Presse.
Scientists called the newly discovered explosion “AT2021lwx”, and it is located 8 billion light-years from Earth, and is 100 times larger than our solar system.
Experts pointed out that the brightness of the explosion appeared 3 times brighter than the events of the tidal disturbance.
Scientists believe that this explosion occurred due to a massive black hole that devoured a huge cloud the size of 5 thousand suns, after it pulled it out of its orbit in a way that caused a disruption.