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Schools disruption without justification criticized by educational experts

The Ministry of Education’s decision to suspend schools, with meteorologists’ expectations of rain in the country, shocked many educational experts and people in the field, who described the ministry’s decision as hasty, unjustified, and ill-considered, affecting the educational attainment of students and the level of education in the country, especially since the meteorologists did not ask to suspend or curtail working hours.

Educational experts stressed in statements to Al-Qabas that the decision to suspend schools is ill-considered and negatively affects the quality of education.

At a time when it is necessary to speed up education reform, develop its outputs, and raise the level of students, the educational field and parents were surprised by the decision to suspend public and private schools, Wednesday, due to the expected rains, which only resulted in some precipitation for a short time in some areas.

The successive decisions taken by the Ministry of Education, the day before yesterday, regarding attendance, disruption and distance education, revealed a state of confusion and lack of clarity of vision regarding the education file, and sparked controversy in educational circles and confusion in educational districts and school administrations.

The experts emphasized that rain is one of the natural phenomena that recur every winter, and we must coexist and deal with it without making exceptional decisions that are not in the interest of generations and society.

They pointed out that the Ministry’s decision to make lessons, today (Thursday), “remotely” is like another holiday, amid expectations of a mass absence from electronic lessons due to insufficient preparation, whether by the Ministry or parents.

They pointed out that officials of other countries in the world in which such weather phenomena occur, the last thing they think about is closing schools, because they are more keen on education, noting that if there are deficiencies in general education schools with regard to preparations and maintenance and there are concerns by officials in detecting Regarding it, the situation is different in private schools, as they are more prepared in facing such matters, and therefore there was no need to close private schools.

They pointed out that the actual days of study in Kuwait are less than the rest of many countries, as the number of actual school days for the two semesters is 132 days in Kuwaiti schools, compared to the global average, which ranges between 170 and 200 days.

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