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Saudi Arabia reports 1,911 new cases, 9 deaths

General view shows the empty garden of the King Fahd Library, following the outbreak of coronavirus disease.

Saudi Arabia reported 1,911 new coronavirus cases and nine new deaths, bringing the total number of cases in the Kingdom to 42,925 and the virus-related death toll to 264.

Non-Saudi residents made up 69 percent of the new cases, while Saudi citizens made up 31 percent of infections, health ministry spokesman Mohammed Al Abd Al Ali said.

Out of the newly detected cases, males made up 82 percent of cases, and females made up 18 percent, he added.

Nine people died of the virus, including two Saudi citizens and seven non-Saudis in Mecca, Jeddah, and Wadi ad-Dawasir in Najd, Ali Abd Al Ali said.

They were between 29 and 64 years old, and most of them suffered from chronic illnesses, he added.

Qatar: 1,526 new cases, recoveries at 179

Qatar announced, on Tuesday, 1,526 new cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 25,149 cases.

According to the Health Ministry, recoveries from the virus were at 179, putting the grand total at 3,019.

The ministry indicated that the new infections were sent to quarantine to receive proper medical treatment.

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