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Saudi Arabia, a growing global power

“Regardless of my attempts to articulate my emotions and experiences today, both at an official and popular level, my words will be brief in capturing what I encountered. This only scratches the surface of what we witness, touch, and live amongst the Kuwaiti people,” remarked Ambassador of Saudi Arabia, H.E. Sultan bin Saad, while speaking during celebrations held at the Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Center, to mark the 93rd National Day of the Kingdom.

Responding to inquiries about the extensive high-level government and public attendance, Ambassador Bin Saad stated: “Our emotions are beyond description. Kuwait celebrated this event even more enthusiastically than we did in the Kingdom. This speaks volumes about the stature of the Kingdom, its leadership, and its people across all spectrums of Kuwaiti society.”

He further conveyed, “A thousand thanks to all who partook in our ceremony today. This is a momentous day for us in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the entire region, as it altered the course of history. We have been on this journey for 93 years, and God willing, we eagerly anticipate 200, 300, 400, and 500 years, heralding the unification of Saudi Arabia, not merely its establishment.”

Elaborating on his initial comments, the ambassador added,, “Saudi Arabia has now become a global focal point of discussion and aspiration. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman recently mentioned in an interview with a foreign channel that we have surpassed Vision 2030 and are advancing towards Vision 2040.

“The foundational work initiated with the establishment of the Kingdom by the founder, King Abdulaziz Al Saud,has been built upon by his sons and current leaders, and propelled us into the future. We are now talking about Vision 2040 and later, Vision 2050. Vision 2030 has already become a reality.”

He emphasized, “The entire world has unquestionably acknowledged the Kingdom’s status and influence. It is set to lead the region into the ranks of major nations.”

Addressing the bilateral relations between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, Prince Sultan bin Saad affirmed, “To say the least, this relationship is not just excellent, but historic. No matter how much one talks, describes, or summarizes this relationship, it is deeply rooted in history and events have borne witness to it.

“The leadership of both nations has confirmed this, as well as the interdependence of our peoples. I cannot adequately describe, encapsulate, or expound upon the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. No matter what I say, it falls short.”

Regarding the possibility of future meetings, the Saudi ambassador clarified, “Meetings are ongoing, and communication persists between the leaders and officials of both countries. The collaborative efforts between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have transcended any specific matters; coordination is at the highest levels.”

Reflecting on recent reconciliations in the region between certain Gulf states and Iran and whether they are threatened by border disputes, Ambassador Bin Saad stated, “The Kingdom has restored relations to their normal course, with a clear objective of progress and advancing the region towards its renaissance and fostering stability in general. We await evidence of good faith from the other side as we move forward for the collective good of the region.”

In response to a question about a potential Saudi-Iranian-Turkish summit, the Saudi ambassador commented, “Anything is possible.”

Addressing the Kingdom’s vision for Sudanese-Sudanese reconciliation and the future of relations with the Houthis, Ambassador Bin Saad asserted, “This reaffirms that all countries around the world trust the Saudi leadership, its policy, and its intentions.

“The Kingdom is a center of trust for all, consistently championing peace and extending a helping hand. This is the Kingdom’s policy, rooted in its influence and the wisdom of its leaders as it forges ahead in this field.”

In response to recent remarks by the Saudi Crown Prince about progress in normalization with Israel, and whether this normalization is inevitable and beneficial for the region and the Palestinian cause, the Saudi ambassador affirmed, “The Crown Prince was explicit in his stance on this issue during the interview. His position was clear and straightforward.”

In a statement during the ceremony, Speaker of the National Assembly Ahmed Al-Saadoun remarked, “Celebrating this occasion instills hope in us that we will witness the Arab nation reclaiming its rightful position, under the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is the only country capable of leading not only the region but the world.”

In the spirit of congratulations, MP Hassan Johar extended his best wishes to the sister Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, emphasizing the Kingdom’s remarkable strides and achievements that delight Gulf Arabs, expressing hope for continued success and brilliance, and envisioning this vital region of the world becoming international beacons while maintaining its splendor and strategic importance.

The Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman, H.E. Saleh Al-Kharusi, conveyed his warmest congratulations and wishes for continued progress and development to the Kingdom, highlighting the strong and stable relations binding their countries and wishing the Kingdom further progress, prosperity, and safety.

The Yemeni Ambassador, H.E. Ali Mansour bin Safa, praised the Kingdom’s instrumental role in addressing and closely monitoring issues related to Yemen and expressed deep appreciation for the Kingdom’s support and aid. He acknowledged the Kingdom as a safe haven for all Yemenis and commended the Kingdom’s efforts in laying the first building blocks for regional security.

The Iraqi Ambassador, H.E. Al-Manhal Al-Safi, conveyed his pleasure at participating in the Saudi National Day and wished Saudi Arabia continued elevation and prosperity under the wise leadership, emphasizing the increasing coordination and prosperity in economic, tourism, and political spheres between Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

The Palestinian Ambassador, H.E. Rami Tahboub, extended heartfelt congratulations and blessings to the Kingdom, lauding its enduring support for Arab causes, particularly the Palestinian issue, and expressing confidence in the Saudi leadership. He wished the best for the Kingdom and its people, envisioning its ascendance among the world’s leading economies.

The Bahraini Charge d’Affaires, Salah Al-Maliki, extended congratulations and blessings, valuing the strong, historical ties between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. He wished Saudi Arabia progress, prosperity, security, and safety.

Egyptian Ambassador H.E. Osama Shaltut conveyed warm congratulations to the Saudi leadership and people, emphasizing the vital role of Saudi Arabia and its continuous development under the wise leadership.

Lebanese Chargé d’Affaires Ahmed Arafa also congratulated Saudi Arabia, underlining the deep historical ties and common history between Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, expressing wishes for progress and prosperity.

The ceremony was enhanced by a lively display of Saudi Ardha, with the Saudi Ambassador ensuring that Arab and foreign ambassadors and diplomats participated in the traditional dance, highlighting the camaraderie and cultural richness of the occasion

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