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Salaries and work environment, most important features of ideal jobs in Kuwait

A new survey revealed the main factors that influence employee loyalty, by identifying the things that attract them to the workplace or the company they work for. The three main factors that contribute to attracting employees in Kuwait are salaries and compensation according to 57% of respondents, work environment 54%, and company reputation 50% while the least important factors were the external appearance of the company, such as the logo and website design 14% and the media presence 11%.

The survey showed that the most important job features that professionals in Kuwait are interested in job security 49% after obtaining a job; career advancement opportunities 30%, followed by training and development opportunities 30%, according to a local Arabic daily.

A work culture that motivates employees and reinforces organizational commitment is a key component of employee retention. Interestingly, 78% of the respondents have been working in their current company for more than two years. The survey also showed that more than 6 out of 10 employees in Kuwait feel happy in their current place of work, and 64% of them would recommend job seekers to apply for a job in their current company.

About 7 out of 10 respondents also said that their company listens to employee feedback to better understand their needs, and 62% of them agreed that management takes their feedback seriously. In addition, more than three quarters of respondents would apply for the same job at the same current company if given the option to do so again.

More than 7 out of 10 respondents in Kuwait state that a company is more attractive if it is ethical and follows good practices, 68% of respondents say they prefer companies with a friendly work culture, and 44% look for companies that engage in responsible social activities.

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