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SAB wants to recover what was unlawfully spent on Silk, Bubiyan projects

In its annual report for government ministries and departments, the State Audit Bureau monitored the failure of the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development to implement the program to develop the Silk City and Bubiyan Island, despite spending an estimated amount of 107,163 Kuwaiti dinars to form many work teams.

The Bureau pointed out that “the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning did not provide it with the required data regarding the recruits and the work teams formed for the Silk City Development Program (Subbiya) and Bubiyan Island, in violation of Article 52 of the Law Establishing the Audit Bureau No. 30 of 1964 and its amendments.”

In its notes on the sixth program for the development of the Silk City and Bubiyan Island, the Bureau indicated that “the secretariat paid monthly bonuses unjustly about 49,200 Kuwaiti dinars to some of those who offered their services from July 30, 2020 up to April 4, 2021.

The Bureau requested for a refund of what was unlawfully spent in this program, and stressed the need to expedite its completion due to its importance, and to provide it with the reasons for the Secretariat’s failure to achieve all the desired goals.

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