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Rise in street crime upsets residents

A majority of the people – citizens and residents – have started feeling insecure the moment they step out of the house in light of the recent escalation of “street violence” in Kuwait, and the high crime rate, which some have classified as a phenomenon.

The strange question they ask is why violence – killings, stabbings, running over or street battles even for a simple reason such as ‘right of way’ have become the order of the day in our society and who is responsible for the high crime rates despite the laws we have that are supposed to limit these manifestations? Many people believe aggressive and collective behavior of some individuals and/or groups is reminiscent of jungle law which has slowly but surely become a phenomenon.

In an attempt to delve deeper into the causes the Al-Rai randomly spoke to a number of academicians and behavior specialists, who feel the solution lies in monitoring, follow-up and preparing studies to measure the size of the problem within the Kuwaiti society and compare it to other societies, especially societies that are similar to ours in terms of customs and traditions, religion, economic and social conditions, lifestyle, etc., after which the finger can be placed on the wound and look for medicine.

They attributed the prevalence of violence to several reasons, such as the failure to inculcate the values ​​of love in the hearts of the new generation, and the avoidance of morality and sportsmanship, in addition to poverty in social and sports clubs, which accommodate young people and devote their energy to games that fill their spare time, instead of loitering in the streets and shopping malls.

The opinion poll concluded that there are 10 main reasons that must be addressed and 10 solutions that must be activated and put into practice.

Professor of Public Law at the College of Law, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hamoud, said, “The increasing violence has reached the dangerously level and believes Kuwait has “respectable” laws in Kuwait that calls for severe punishment for assault and attempted murder, penalties for causing permanent disabilities or beatings that lead to disability and others, “but despite that there is a lack of awareness among a large group of young people, unfortunately, and the lack of awareness is accompanied by a feeling of indifference.”

He added, “Even if the aggressor is arrested or imprisoned for several months, he does not care about that, as some have lost a sense of responsibility, so that being inside or outside the prison makes no difference for this category.”

He pointed out most crimes are committed by people who are under the influence of drugs which gives the addict the feeling that he lives in enirely another world.

Attorney Bader Al-Husseini says the Kuwaiti society, like other societies, has become violent, “but we have noticed in the recent period an increase in crime rate, which is a dangerous phenomenon especially because most of them are young people.”

He faulted the family role, especially the daily supervision of children, in addition to the lack of application of the law or the inequality in its application on everyone and interference of influential people.

He stressed “the need to find solutions to occupy young people’s spare time and invest their free time in a way that benefits them, especially in the absence of sports clubs that have lost their role in attracting young people to engage in sports activities.”

Al-Husseini stated one of the reasons for the increase in violence is also the spread of violent electronic games without effective oversight by state agencies, as a majority of young people are affected by them.

Professor of Psychology at Kuwait University, Dr. Owaid Al-Mashaan, explained there are many causes and factors that lead to the tendency to violence, noting that “violence is a phenomenon that exists in all countries of the world, but we see it on a steady increase in Kuwait, and it is a multifaceted and intertwined problem.”

For her part, Professor of Social Planning at Kuwait University, Dr. Siham Al-Qabandi, attributed the increasing frequency of violence at various levels to various causes.

For one, she said, “The violence that we live these days is a natural product of the general situation and developments surrounding us from all sides, be it the wars, epidemics, diseases, or targeting humanity, thoughts, religion, work and your very livelihood through defensive or violent methods.

Al-Qabandi says the developed “media” contributed to the creation of intellectual models of humans in general, and children and adolescents in particular, pointing to the negativity of some games that make children engage in violence and killing for enjoyment.

She added: “Values ​​have changed, especially the value of forgiveness and respect. The old man in the street is despised by the young because he was raised not to trust the other, and also some parents raise their children on how to attack and defend themselves.”

Regarding the state’s role in curbing the phenomenon, Al-Qabandi stressed the need to activate the state’s plans related to youth. She called for involving them, benefiting from their energies, hearing their voice, and knowing their needs and most important problems.

Ten reasons cited for increased violence

1- Covid-19 pandemic
2- Replacing human communication with electronics
3- Presenting films, series and electronic games full of violence
4- Disintegration of families and family problems
5- The weakness of the family upbringing of the individual
6- Lack of awareness and a feeling of indifference
7- The attempt of some to empty what is within themselves on others
8- Ineffective or unequal application of the law
9- Drug abuse and the spread of highly dangerous industrial types
10- Tolerance for mistakes

The ten solutions to contain violence 

1- Conducting studies to measure the size of the problem and applying its recommendations effectively
2- Improving educational curricula
3- Monitoring media, drama and games
4- Paying attention to verbal and psychological violence, not just physical
5- Preparing educational and awareness programs by civil society institutions
6- Developing laws and strict application of them
7- Activating the roles of the mosque, Diwaniya, clubs and universities
8- Involving young people, listening to them, and understanding their problems and needs
9 – Giving young people a space of freedom
10 – Society’s cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior

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