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Reception held to mark 70th Indian Republic Day

Indian Ambassador to Kuwait H.E. K. Jeeva Sagar hosted a reception to mark the 70th anniversary of India’s Republic Day, at the Millennium Hotel Kuwait on 27 January.

His Excellency Deputy Foreign Minister of Kuwait Khalid Al-Jarallah was the chief guest on the occasion, along with a large gathering of members of the diplomatic corps, special guests and media personnel.

Speaking on the occasion, Ambassador Sagar highlighted the importance that Kuwait places on its international relations and how the country “believes in spreading good will, peace and harmony in the world.”

He especially noted the cooperation extended to diplomats by Kuwait’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and how “His Highness the Amir, despite his heavily loaded schedule and international stature, makes it a point to meet with diplomats at every possible occasion.” He also pointed to the constructive role that Kuwait plays in bringing about reconciliation in the Gulf region.

Addressing his nearly a million-strong compatriots, the ambassador said, “With your dedication, industry, integrity and respect for laws of the land, you have made our great nation proud.” Noting that Kuwait is a historical friend and that the cordial ties are rooted in the goodwill between the two peoples, Ambassador Sagar said, “As true friends, we should continue to rejoice in our mutual prosperity and success.”

Drawing focus on the Indian Republic Day, the ambassador noted that India is home to almost every major religion of the world; it is a nation whose people speak so many languages that confuse even the gods who have created them; and it is a country whose numbers surpass one-sixth of the global humanity.

The answer to how this multiplicity of religions, languages and cultures coexist peacefully and “spreads the message of friendship to the world, lies in the Indian Constitution,” said the ambassador. “Our Constitution, celebrates diversity and pluralism; it gives power even to the weakest; it challenges and decimates inequality on the touchstone of Rule of Law,” said the envoy, adding, “and today is that day Seventy years ago that laid the foundations of these noble principles.”

Ambassador concluded by conveying his best wishes for the good health and well-being of His Highness the Amir of Kuwait, His Highness the Crown Prince, His Highness the Prime Minister, and His Excellency the Foreign Minister; and for the success and prosperity of the government and the people of Kuwait.

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