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Railway project handed over to PART; Govt orders removal of all obstacles facing the project

The Council of Ministers, Monday, decided to approve the holding of exhibitions and related activities of a licensed commercial nature in open outdoor arenas as of Sunday, Oct 17, 2021, in full compliance with Covid-19 protocols determined by the Ministry of Health.

During a Cabinet meeting the Council listened to the presentation given by the Board of Directors of the Public Authority for Roads and Land Transport (PART) on the implementation plan for the first phase of the railway project in the State of Kuwait.

The plan includes the proposed timetable, the obstacles that may face the project and the recommendations related to it.

The Council then decided to assign the railway network project with all its components and stages to PART.

On the other hand, the Cabinet followed the developments of the health situation in the country, and listened to an explanation given by the Minister of Oil and the Minister of Higher Education and the Acting Minister of Health on the latest developments and statistics on the number of infections and deaths and those receiving treatment in the intensive care unit which shows the epidemiological situation in Kuwait is improving with every passing day.

The Council was also given a brief insight into the campaign launched by the Health Ministry to provide the third booster dose of the anti-Covid-19 vaccine, on priority basis, for those 18 years and above, six months after taking the second dose of the vaccine to provide the best means of protection against Covid-19 disease.

The Council of Ministers once again called on all citizens and residents not to be lenient in adhering to health guidelines, in order to preserve their health and the safety of others.

On the foreign affairs front, Kuwait condemned in strongest terms and denounced the criminal bombing incident that targeted the convoy of the Governor of Aden and the Minister of Fisheries and Agricultural Wealth in the Yemeni government last Sunday.

The bombing killed and wounded of a number of people. The Council of Ministers said Kuwait once again reiterates it stand against violence and terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

He called on the international community to redouble its efforts to reach a political solution to end the conflict in Yemen to spare the blood of the brotherly Yemeni people.

The Cabinet expressed its sincere condolences to the families of the victims and wished a speedy recovery for the injured.

The Cabinet also welcomed the announcement by the sisterly United Arab Emirates to achieve its goal on the climate front by 2050, by positively contributing to the issue of climate change in line with the goals of the Paris Climate Change Agreement.

The Cabinet in a statement said this announcement will enhance the position of the UAE as a global economic center and achieve sustainable development, which comes in conjunction with UAE bid to host the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change COP-28 in Abu Dhabi in 2023, especially since the convening of the convention comes during a delicate phase as the international community seeks to make progress in the area of climate change.

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