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Public Services Committee set to deliberate today on Al-Shula’s report on conditions in Jleeb

The Public Services Committee within the Council of Ministers is set to deliberate on Municipal Minister Fahd Al-Shuala’s report concerning the prevailing conditions in the Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh area during its meeting today.

A well-informed source told Al-Qabas, the committee will examine critical aspects related to enhancing the northwestern part of the region, addressing hindrances, evaluating property status and ownership, analyzing traffic and security conditions, and considering various options.

These options encompass a prohibition on leasing residential units to non-family occupants, permitting worker housing developments within industrial plots and agricultural holdings, and authorizing granting permits for labor accommodations within major projects.

The source noted that six locations have been designated for labor cities, covering a total area of 13,335,000 square meters, and eight sites have been allocated for worker housing complexes, spanning an area of 18,600,000 square meters.

Additionally, the committee will assess the recommendations outlined in the Minister of Municipality’s report. If the existing status of the area is retained, actions will be necessitated such as:

— Finding solutions to address the imbalance in demographic structure
— Improving the security and traffic situation and putting an end to existing violations
— Developing the main and internal road network and modernizing and developing the infrastructure network (electricity, water and sewage)
— Taking advantage of plots 19 and 20 to provide residential care, which were previously acquired, and no specific use has been decided for them to date.
— Improving and developing the health system

The source stated that in case of radical development of the area to keep pace with the surrounding uses, the following is required:

• The need for requisition as stipulated in Article 6 of Decree Law No. 86/131 concerning the requisition of real estate with issued requisition formulas is essential. The Council of Ministers has the authority to issue requisition formulas in cases of utmost necessity for reasons related to the public interest. This decision is based on the request of the relevant authority and the submission of the Minister of Municipality.

• Allocating workers’ cities and residential complexes to laborers in alignment with Municipal Council decisions regarding them, initiating their implementation concurrently with the expropriation and evacuation strategy for the area.

• Structurally reorganizing the locality in a manner consistent with its unique positioning, devising solutions to achieve demographic balance, addressing the presence of existing Arab houses and the associated common property issues; additionally, regulating the external and internal road network in accordance with developments in the neighboring areas.

• Enhancing the level of services within the area by establishing essential public amenities and services in line with proposed new functions.

It’s important to mention that Minister Al-Shoula outlined in his report that the estimated acquisition cost of plots in the area for the year 2023 totals approximately 1.432 billion dinars. This amount is distributed, with about 1.231 billion dinars allocated for the acquisition of 1,409 private housing plots, estimated at 900 dinars per square meter for land and 210 dinars per square meter for the built-up area.

Moreover, the cost of acquiring 136 investment housing plots amounts to about 200 million dinars, priced at 1,440 dinars per square meter for land and 210 dinars for the built-up area.

During its meeting, the Ministerial Services Committee will review the request from the Public Authority for Housing Welfare to address the challenges hindering the S2 Investment Opportunity Project in Sabah Al-Ahmad Residential City.

Minister of Justice and Minister of Housing, Faleh Al-Ruqabah, forwarded a letter to the Council of Ministers regarding the delay in granting building permits for the S2 Investment Opportunity Project in Sabah Al-Ahmad Residential City. This project stems from a partnership contract signed on September 8, 2020, between the Corporation and a real estate management and development company. The contract pertains to designing, financing, operating, maintaining, and transferring the investment opportunity aimed at serving the residents of Sabah Al-Ahmad Residential City and its adjacent areas.

Al-Ruqabah emphasized that these projects are pivotal for development, alleviating the state’s financial burden, and align with Kuwait’s vision and development plan by involving the private sector in project implementation. Delays in granting building permits adversely impact Kuwait’s performance indicators.

The committee will also review a letter from the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs concerning its approval of a donation project by a concerned party to construct a mosque within a public park in the Al-Masayel area, Block 1, at the donor’s expense, contingent upon the neighbors’ agreement.

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