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Prosecution summons MEW technicians to learn about billing fraud

In the ongoing investigation into a network involved in fraudulent billing, which has resulted in the arrest of seven individuals, the Public Prosecution took a significant step by summoning technicians from the Ministry of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy.

These technicians, equipped with laptop computers, were called upon to elucidate the intricacies of the electricity billing process for consumers, while reliable sources within the ministry told Al-Jarida daily, that these laptops contained customer service systems, the methodology behind bill issuance, the computation of consumer debt, as well as the mechanisms utilized to access and interact with these systems.

The sources further elaborated that the technicians provided an exhaustive breakdown of the processes involved. They showcased how manipulative entities gained unauthorized access to the systems and generated invoices for individuals carrying substantial debt, subsequently removing these invoices from the systems.

The investigations have led to the identification of certain individuals implicated in these manipulative actions.

Specifically, attention was drawn to two real estate dealers, with one of them believed to be abroad at the moment. It’s worth noting that Al-Jarida had previously reported on the issuance of a travel ban against a trader who had been proven to engage in invoice tampering and the withholding of considerable sums of money tied to his real estate ventures.

Approximately a month ago, detectives apprehended seven individuals who were accused of manipulating electricity bills. These individuals are currently in detention as investigations into this case continue. Notably, sources have indicated that the origins of this fraudulent activity date back more than three years.

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