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Proposal to allow pharmacies to manufacture medicine, give vaccinations

The Pharmaceutical Association presented a draft project to update the law of practicing the profession of pharmacy and handling new medicines to pharmacists in the field, in the presence of the director of medical warehouses, pharmacist Adel Al-Salem. The Secretary-General of the Society, Ali Hadi, confirmed that the project came as a result of concerted efforts in a joint committee between the Ministry of Health, the Pharmaceutical Association and the Federation of Drug Suppliers and Pharmacies Owners, to keep pace with scientific and professional development.

Hadi indicated that the articles of the draft law regulating the profession of pharmacy and modern drug circulation collected 21 privileges for pharmacists, and among these privileges include expanding the definition of practicing the profession, and approving new services, such as clinical services and pharmaceutical manufacturing services, as well as regulating obtaining a license to practice the profession in the country. He added that the draft law is also characterized by adopting an evaluation mechanism before obtaining a license to practice the pharmacy profession, defining the job description for each level in the career ladder of pharmacy jobs, adding a new job level called “consulting pharmacist”, and encouraging education and training at every job promotion, with the possibility of working in more than one entity and combining the pharmaceutical sectors, creating a “trainee pharmacist student” license for trainee pharmacy students, adopting an article to issue a regulation of ethics of the profession, and transferring the powers of the Civil Service Bureau to the Minister of Health.

Moreover, the project also includes obtaining a license to open a pharmacy, legislative processing of licenses for cooperative pharmacies, approving the investment right for the Kuwaiti pharmacist in private pharmacies, setting controls for opening a private pharmacy, and increasing the diversity of pharmaceutical services in private pharmacies, including giving vaccinations and preparing pharmaceuticals and intravenous solutions.

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