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Procedures adopted by dermatologists put patients at risk during ‘liposuction’

Cosmetic Consultants in plastic surgery said some dermatologists who are involved in liposuction put the lives of their patients in danger calling this practice ‘legally criminal’, and called on the concerned authorities to tighten supervision by the Medical Licensing Department on such practices.

Al-Jarida quoting a consultant plastic surgeon and head and maxillofacial surgery at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Emad Al-Najada said, “The dermatologist is not allowed to perform liposuction like a plastic surgeon, because Ministerial Law 245/2017, which was issued by the former Minister of Health, Dr. Jamal Al-Harbi, specifies the specialties that perform the suction operations, the place they are performed, and the quantities allowed to be suctioned.”

Al-Najada pointed out that what is currently taking place inside Kuwait in terms of suction operations inside some clinics is not permitted by law, neither by general nor local anesthesia, pointing out that total anesthesia operations need centers or hospitals, “As for what is happening now in some clinics in Kuwait, are wrong practices.” It needs more oversight than the Medical Licensing Department.”

For his part, the consultant of burn surgery at the Ministry of Health and the head of the Kuwait Cosmetic Association, Dr. Hisham Borzek, said “the law allowed certain specialties to perform some cosmetic procedures, as it specified all plastic surgeries, and it is permissible to perform them in each specialty.”

He added the Medical Licensing Department, which is a supervisory body has the right to carry out inspection and punishment if necessary and to ensure that doctors follow these rules, stressing the importance of educating patients, calling on the administration to focus on educating patients.

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