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Power deficit expected over next three years, gradually to peak in Sept 2026

A government report said the country’s electric power deficit over the next three years will gradually increase, reaching its peak in September 2026, with a total of 1,636 megawatts.

The report said that the deficit during the current July, August and September will peak at 645 MW in September, and that the total deficit in electric power next year 2024 during the summer months, starting from June to September, will peak at 1331 MW in September, reports Al-Jarida daily.

He pointed out that the energy deficit during 2025 will gradually rise to 1444 megawatts per month, indicating that in 2026 the energy deficit in the country during the summer months, from June to September, will reach 1636 megawatts per month.

The sources told the daily the reason behind the delay in the Ministry’s projects to the delay in the oversight authorities in approving these projects, pointing out that the Ministry had submitted several projects years ago, whether it was expansion of stations, new station projects or maintenance work and the delay in implementing those projects, led to the deficit starting from the current year.

The sources stated that the ministry is keen to push forward the implementation of various projects and to meet the country’s needs of electric energy during the coming period in line with the urban expansions of the state, whether it is periodic maintenance projects that it prepares for once the summer season ends each year through a schedule to conduct the necessary maintenance, whether through international companies, or through skilled national labor in that field, or new energy production projects of various kinds, whether they are production plants or renewable energy.

The sources indicated that among those projects the ministry attaches great importance to renewable energy projects, as it is one of the main development axes in the government plan, which it announced recently, including the Shagaya renewable energy project, the second and third phases.

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