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Possibility seen to do away with PCR test 

The third Covid-19 booster dose is an urgent necessity to fight the possibility to keep in check people from being infected with the virus especially since the immunity of many of those who have been vaccinated is on the decline.

The official said Kuwait continues to take all precautionary measures and positive steps which in the past have helped Kuwait to contain the epidemiological situation in Kuwait.

The source told Al-Qabas daily the Ministry of Health will vaccinate those who were vaccinated 5 or 6 months ago with the second dose, saying at the same time is possible to cancel the PCR test for inbound passengers who are vaccinated with the vaccines approved by Kuwait.

The source pointed the return to normal working hours in schools as it was before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic is being evaluated since the epidemiological conditions have fully ended, and health requirements cannot be written off especially since a majority of countries in the world did not cancel the PCR and have yet to open schools to the pre-pandemic level.

The source pointed out that a comprehensive report is currently being prepared for the adoption of a mechanism to immunize children 5 to 12 years old, saying the Ministry of Health will launch a new digital mechanism for the results of blood tests and radiology, which will appear on the health application in a quick time.

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