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Poets regale at Writers’ Forum Kuwait’s meeting

The members of the Writers’ Forum Kuwait concluded yet another virtual gathering on Friday, 25th September 2020. With Gandhi Jayanti around the corner, the evening started with an inspiring tribute to the Father of the Nation from the President of the Forum and famous Urdu critic Mrs. Maimuna Ali Chougle. Mrs. Maimuna reflected on how Writers’ Forum, Kuwait had held a grand celebration last year on the occasion of the 150th Birth Anniversary of the late Mahatma and exhorted everyone to take strength from his perseverance in facing the ongoing crisis of the pandemic.

Madhulika, the MC for the evening then invited Mr Mohan Singh to preside over the meeting while Hindi poetess Anupama Chaturvedi to the seat as special Guest of Honor.
Interspersed with couplets from Madhulika and fond reminisces from two former members who were present: Mr. Umesh Sharma and Mr. Sunil Sonsi, the meeting was a successful mix of reflection, empathy, strength, tenderness and patriotism and above all hope.

On one hand, there was a searching philosophical quest narrated by Mr.Amir Diwan, while on the other was Sabiha Bilgrami’s lonesome piece in English on the pandemic. While Mr. Maimoona’s Urdu ‘nazm’ was full of depth as usual; Mr. Ameeruddin regaled everyone with the practical difficulties of being caught between the claims of a wife and mother.

Mrs Kalpana Shah’s Gujrati poem touched upon the problems of youth and drug abuse while Mrs. Parul Chaturvedi’s poem was a tribute to ancestral houses. Mrs. Chayya Athavale, Mr. Sunil Sonsi and Mr. Umesh Sharma also recited their verse. Mr. Sabir Omer’s ghazal was sorely missed as he had to leave early.

Finally came a great summing up of the evening from the special guest Mrs. Anupama Chaturvedi and her tender romantic poem. Mr. Mohan Singh as President of the evening concluded with his remarks from the chair and read out a poem written by his daughter. Mrs. Maimuna Ali Chougle expressed her gratitude at being able to keep in touch with all members in such difficult times.

She wished everyone and their families health and well-being and hoped the Forum would soon be able to return to its former routine.  Madhulika then concluded the meeting noting the absence of Forum’s secretary Ms. Nazneen Ali and thanked Mrs Sabiha Bilgrami for her dedicated support in organizing the virtual meetings.


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