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Pigeon hunting in violation of EPA law No 100

In a clear violation of the Environment Public Authority laws a person was seen hunting birds with the help of a net with the assistance of another person in the Ardhiya Industrial Area.

The lens man of a local Arabic daily said the men lured the birds with grains after spreading a net on the ground and as soon as the flock of pigeons flew to eat the grains both men from their respective ends lifted the net and caught the birds after their legs got entangled in the net.

An environmental source told the daily “hunting pigeons in this way is in violation of Article 100 of the Environmental Protection Law, which states that “it is prohibited to hunt, kill, catch, collect, harm, possess or transport wild and marine fungal organisms, whether live or dead, or touching their young.

The executive regulations of this law specify the types and numbers of organisms that are allowed to be hunted in specific seasons and places, with the exception of hunting for scientific purposes, after the approval of the concerned authorities.

He pointed out that “the penalty for violating this article is imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year and a fine ranging between 500 and 5,000 dinars, or one of these two penalties.”

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