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Philippine government to pursue death sentence against Kuwaiti employer of slain Filipina maid

Philippine Ambassador to Kuwait H.E. Mohammad Noordin Pendosina Lomondot with Sheikha Fawziah Al Sabah, Vice Consul Adrian Baccay and Lawyers

Ricky Laxa / Staff Writer

“After the criminal court passed death sentence against the Kuwaiti female employer and jail term for the male employer of Jeanelyn Villavende, the case will still proceed to the Court of Appeals but the Philippine Government will pursue death sentence for such heinous crime committed against Villavende” stated Philippine Ambassador to Kuwait Mohammad Noordin Pendosina Lomondot.  

In a brief interview with The Times, Philippine Vice Consul Adrian Baccay said that The Philippine Embassy had been informed of a Filipina Maid who was brought to Al Sabah Hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival on December 28, 2019. It was reported as a criminal case due to physical evidences such as fresh and healed wounds and bruises all over her body. The embassy wasted no time and sought the legal assistance of a top notched Kuwaiti Human Rights lawyer Sheikha Fawziah Al Sabah and on the same day, both suspects were arrested and incarcerated. Ambassador Lomondot coordinated with Philippines Department of Foreign Affairs for support which was immediately approved. After the forensic report was released Ambassador Lomondot visited the remains of Villavende in the morgue and supervised the repatriation of her body to Philippines which was received by the Philippine government officials in the airport on January 8, 2020. 

On February 8, 2020 the hearing on the case was held at the Court of First Instance and was attended by Philippine government diplomats and officials. The lawyers of accused employers of Villavende appealed to allow female Kuwaiti employer to return home but Sheikah Fawziah Al Sabah highlighted the severity of the crime and the court denied the appeal. Due to the series of lockdowns the next hearing of the case was moved to July 15, 2020, when the forensic doctor delivered the testimony on the autopsy of the remains which highlighted that Villevende did not die due to accident but the presence of fresh and healed wounds, hematoma and concussions proved of severe physical abuse and restraint which caused her death. 

On December 9, 2020 hearing of the case Philippine legal counsel Sheikha Fawziah Al Sabah requested the court to pass the decision but lawyers of the accused Kuwaitis questioned the presence of Ambassador Lomondot and embassy diplomats which to them could influence the decision of the court. Ambassador Lomondot later commented “A Filipina and countryman was slain and it is the responsibility of our embassy to ensure protection and rights of our people and demand justice for Jeanelyn Villavende’s death”. 

Vice Consul Baccay added that the case is not over as Kuwaiti legal counsels will appeal for the case in the Court of Appeals to either reduce the sentence or overturn the decision but Ambassador Lomondot assured that they will uphold the claim for justice on Villavende’s demise with death sentence on her assailant. OFWs lauded Philippine Embassy in Kuwait for its tireless support to ensure that they are protected and receive their legal rights.

Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Teddy Locsin in his social media account posted the quote “Blood for blood and life for life” which caused dismay among Kuwaitis as published in The Inquirer. Net on January 5, 2020: “It runs counter to the simplest rules of international relations,” the report further quoted the ministry source who “also noted the Filipino secretary’s remark represents an attempt to influence the ongoing investigation.” KUNA quoted the government source’s assurance that Kuwait will punish law violators in accordance with the provisions of the country’s laws and in a manner that guarantees the rule of law and justice for all.” (Inquirer.Net – January 25, 2020).

The Kuwaiti government showed its commitment in the case, allowed investigators from the Philippines to join its investigation of the murder a point relayed to Philippine Presidential Adviser on Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) Concerns Secretary Abdullah Mama-o by Kuwaiti Deputy Foreign Minister Al-Jarallah on January 19, 2020. Secretary Mama-o was accompanied by Philippine Embassy in Kuwait then the Chargé d’ Affaires and Consul General Mohammad Noordin Pendosina Lomondot and Undersecretary Edwin Bael of the Office of the Philippine President met with top officials of Kuwait’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and discussed issues concerning the welfare and wellbeing of more than 230,000 Filipinos in Kuwait.

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