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People’s lives more important than trees

“The lives of citizens and residents are more important than a tree that may lead to the death of a person,” said Ayed Al-Qahtani, head of the violations removal team in the Hawalli Municipality branch when he was talking about ‘unlicensed trees’ planted on state property in Abdullah Al-Mubarak area (west of Mishref saying these trees not only hamper pedestrians but sometimes obscures view of motorists.

Al-Qahtani told Al-Rai “several citizens and residents in all regions have complained about such situations especially trees which are planted next to their homes in disorderly manner and some trees which are planted at U-Turns and at internal streets with the aim of beautifying homes, which block the view and lead to accidents. Here the question is: is the life of a person more important than beautifying the area.

Al-Qahtani added, “The removal department does not cut down licensed trees as some claim, and what we do is just an organizational process, and the removal is based on complaints received by the department related to illegal and unlicensed trees, or trees that people planted randomly. Some trees are planted next to manholes that block rainwater and sewage water, and this is something we have warned about repeatedly, especially the effect is disastrous during winter season.”

Al-Qahtani confirmed there is direct coordination with the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fisheries Resources, with regard to palm trees only due to their importance, and the ease of transferring them from one place to another location unlike other trees, explaining “there is a committee in the Municipality concerned with issuing licenses for gardens adjacent to homes and in residential areas.”

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