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PCR tests not required before vaccination

The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced that there were no unexpected side effects or death related to Corona vaccinations among the total number of cases that received vaccinations in the country,  Al Qabas daily reported.

MOH sources also told the daily that the medical teams follow the guidelines and global health recommendations regarding giving vaccines to different segments, as there are no PCR swabs or antibody tests is required before taking the vaccine.

The sources stressed that there is no need to conduct a PCR swab or test for antibodies before taking the vaccine, explaining that doing so would exhaust the working medical and nursing staff, and would also slow down the epidemic containment measures.

As for someone who is confirmed to be infected with Coronavirus after receiving the first dose of any vaccine, the sources said that he must wait about 3 months to take the second dose, stressing that the citizen who receives the first dose of the vaccine outside the country can take the second upon their return, provided the vaccine is available.

According to the sources, those who have symptoms of infection with the virus are advised to postpone the vaccine until the disappearance of those symptoms, denying any reliable global reports that prove any unexpected symptoms on those who have been vaccinated.

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