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PBFPK hosts Iftar dinner for members

Pakistani Banking and Finance Professionals in Kuwait (PBFPK) hosted an iftar dinner for its members at Courtyard Marriot Hotel. The chief guest was Mr. Farrukh Amir Sial, the Community Welfare Attache Embassy of Pakistan.

A few members attended the event with their families. All the distinguished members were received and greeted by the President PBFPK, Mr. Mohammed Tariq Mirza and members of the executive committee.

The event provided a networking opportunity to the members while talking on and discussing various topics of interest.

Mr. Farrukh Amir Sial, thanked the members for inviting him and providing an opportunity to the community members to mingle.

Mr. Tariq Mirza also thanked Mr. Farrukh Sial on behalf of the executive committee and members for taking out time and gracing the event. During the program, he also mingled with guests and was excited about the opportunity provided by PBFPK for members to come closer to each other.

The forum offered its services to provide guidance for any expat Pakistani seeking to invest in Pakistan. In the end, President PBFPK thanked all the guests for joining in today’s Iftar gathering and promised to have more events in the future also.

PBFPK is a non-political and non-partisan organization of professionals working in the banking and finance sectors in Kuwait which was founded in 2014. The program concluded before Isha’s prayer.

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