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PAY organizes sports activities for people with learning disabilities

The Public Authority for Youth has announced a project in cooperation with the Kuwait Association for Learning Differences for ages from 6 to 13 years — children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning difficulties, at the Shamiya Youth Center of the authority.

The authority told a local Arabic daily the project is one of the main activities in the social section of the integrated educational services program in the association and is implemented three days a week (Saturdays – Mondays – Wednesdays) from 7 to 8 pm.

The association’s board chairwoman, Amal Al-Sayer said will help achieve social and psychological balance, cooperation and effective social skills and positively affect and strengthen the self-confidence and self-esteem and improving behavior of the participant.

Al-Sayer stressed the need to launch integrated educational programs to be the cornerstone to provide benefit to students and help them unload their energies and get to know their peers.

She called on parents to register their children with learning difficulties in sports activities through the website of the Public Authority for Youth (

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