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Parliament approves, rejects a number of bills in first session

The National Assembly approved and rejected several draft laws in the opening first deliberation session on Tuesday. In the first two deliberations on the issue, the council approved two bills regarding pretrial detention and the exercise of freedom of expression with a total of 33 Members of Parliament (MP) approving it, out of 34 MPs in attendance.

The council also approved to discuss the report by the Legislative and Legal Committee later, which was included in urgency regarding the proposal for a law to amend some provisions of the Criminal Procedures and Trials Law No. (17) of 1960. The draft law would add a new paragraph to Article (69) of Law No. (17) for the year 1960 issuing Law of Criminal Procedures and Trials.

Later, the council rejected in principal a report by the legislative and legal committee regarding a bill on amnesty law, which includes four incriminating topics. The assembly voted 27 MPs in rejection and six MPs agreed, out of 33 MPs in attendance. Earlier, Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim opened the legislative session with the announcement of a vacancy to Dr. Bader Al-Dhahoum’s seat, whose membership was revoked by the Constitutional Court.


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