After an absence of more than two years, children and their parents were able to go to the markets and malls to buy new clothes in preparation for the Eid al-Fitr festival without restrictions, procedures and health requirements imposed on them and forced them into their homes during the “Corona” crisis.
The last ten days of Ramadan witnessed crowds of people on the roads around the markets under the watchful eyes of the police personnel to regulate traffic, control security and deal with any emergency. Children participated with their families in choosing their Eid clothes, starting with shoes and clothes, and even accessories.
Shoppers told a local Arabic daily, they preferred to shop online in preparation for the Eid, but that they visit the malls to buy some accessories or other equipment related to the Eid.
They pointed out the prices of clothes online are the lowest compared to the shops, and that the experience of buying over the past two years has taught them many ways to deal with applications and times to avoid non-arrival of purchases before Eid. They explained that the offers in buying online are better in several aspects, most notably the quality, price, and avoiding
Most shoppers said they did not experience any shortage of goods in the market. However, parents said they feel the pinch because each child needs approximately 50 dinars for clothes, shoes and accessories of medium quality, and rises to double if they go for branded stuff.
Supplies costs
• 100 dinars for the purchase of Eid necessities for one child from international brand stores
• 50 dinars for medium-quality clothes, shoes and accessories for one child
• 30 dinars, the cost of ‘clothing, shoes and accessories’ for a child in popular markets