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PAM waiting for insurance mechanism to open work permit renewal for ‘60s’ 

The Public Authority for Manpower said the decision for renewal of work permits for those 60 years above who hold high school certificates is linked to insurance mechanism and that it is still waiting for the Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) to work on the health insurance that is to be purchased from the private insurance companies.

The Al-Anba daily has learned the decision will come into effect as soon as it is approved by the Chairman of the PAM board of directors and Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Abdullah Al-Salman.

The decision, expected to be issued before the end of next week, will to include three categories and each category has a specific fee in accordance with the controls and conditions approved in special insurance cases following which PAM will open the window for renewal or work permits through the authority’s e-services for automatic renewal.

Regarding the insurance fees, the source explained it is determined according to the mechanism, and about the inclusion in the decision all those who reached 60, including university degree holders, the source said it is as of now for only for high school certificate holders, while the inclusion of other categories is subject to the decisions to amend fees that are being studied.

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