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PAM to look into 60s issue this Sunday 

Informed sources told Al-Anba the Minister of Commerce and Industry and Chairman of the Public Authority for Manpower Dr. Abdullah Al-Salman, has invited members of the board for a meeting Sunday, noon in his office to resolve the so-called ‘60s issue’ – a decision that was issued earlier by the suspended former Director-General of PAM Board of Directors not to renew the residence permits of those non-graduate expatriates who are 60 years and above.

The Fatwa and Legislation Department of the Council of Ministers has concluded that the competence to issue work permits for non-Kuwaitis belongs to the board of directors and not the Director-General, and based on this conclusion the Resolution No 520 of 2020 on which it was based has been canceled.

However, sources stated ‘Fatwa’ opinion is advisory in all cases, and that the one who has the right to cancel the decision is the PAM Director-General or the PAM Board of Directors. The expatriates can resort to the administrative judiciary to cancel the “manpower” decision and the ‘Fatwa’ will support them.

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