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Palestinian Heritage Center exhibition helps draw popular support


The Palestinian Heritage Center’s exhibition ‘Help Humanity’ which opened on Monday 6 November at the headquarters of the Women’s Cultural and Social Society, witnessed a large popular and diplomatic presence, to deliver a message that the international community supports the just cause of Palestinians and to denounce the brutal killing of the people of Gaza by Israel.

Palestinian Ambassador, H.E. Rami Tahboub, confirmed, in a statement to reporters on the sidelines of the exhibition, that “it is different from previous exhibitions and its proceeds are allocated to our people in the Gaza Strip,” noting that the exhibition was distinguished by an unprecedented large international presence.

Ambassador Tahboub added that the presence of civil society and the participation of many European ambassadors confirms a message from the international community that the Palestinian issue is clear, and that it stands by the Palestinian people and against the genocide they are being subjected to in the besieged Gaza Strip and the West Bank, considering that what is happening in Gaza is a crime.

War, and that what the occupation is doing is not self-defense, but rather genocide and attempts to displace the Palestinian people, denouncing preventing the people of the West Bank from moving between Palestinian cities and placing iron gates at their entrances. Ambassador Tahboub praised the Kuwaiti popular stance in emphasizing its support for Palestine by organizing solidarity vigils and declaring honorable positions.

In turn, MP Abdul Wahab Al-Issa affirmed Kuwait’s continued support for the just and deserving Palestinian cause, its leadership, government and people. He pointed out in a statement that such social and cultural events are merely an extension of community support for brothers in Palestine, calling on the Kuwaiti people to participate in such activities to support brothers in Palestine. He reiterated his emphasis that “the Kuwaiti Parliament continues to support the just Palestinian cause with all the capabilities available to us.”

In turn, the Egyptian Ambassador to the country, H.E. Osama Shalthout , expressed his happiness at participating in this exhibition, which carries meanings of humanity, pointing out that the large presence from various segments of Kuwaiti society, in addition to a large number of heads of diplomatic missions from various countries of the world, indicates that everyone stands with the Palestinian right to establish its state according to its legitimate borders.

He added that despite the symbolism of this exhibition, it confirms that the Palestinian issue remains and Palestine will continue its struggle until it obtains its rights with the support of all Arab countries, especially Egypt. He praised the timing of holding this important exhibition, calling on the Palestinians to unite and adhere to their land.
He continued, “Egypt and all countries called for an end to the collective punishment of the people of Gaza and the opening of humanitarian corridors for humanitarian aid to reach them,” explaining that about 7,000 tons of aid had been brought in through the Rafah crossing, but much more than that was required.

He pointed out that there are more than 10,000 martyrs in Gaza, more than two-thirds of whom are women and children, and this violates all international norms and laws and is internationally classified as war crimes.

Canadian Ambassador H.E. Aliya Mawani said she learned about the ancient Palestinian heritage and expressed her happiness at attending the exhibition, pointing out that this exhibition introduced everyone to Palestinian history and the costumes of each city in it, which symbolize the depth of this heritage. She added that the Palestinians are proud of their history and heritage, explaining that it was a good opportunity to introduce everyone to this ancient heritage.

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