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Palestine sole focus of 29th AIPU conference, says Arab lawmaker

29th Arab Inter-parliamentary Union (AIPU) Conference

Issues connected with Palestine will be the sole focus during the course of the 29th Arab Inter­-parliamentary Union (AIPU) Conference, said Arab Parliament President Ali Abdel Aal Sunday.

In his opening speech to the conference ­­witnessing the participation of representatives from 17 Arab parliamentarians including Kuwait’s National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-­Ghanim ­­ Abdel Aal condemned the US decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, saying that the step was “out of the boundaries of international legitimacy”.

Abdel Aal, who is Egyptian parliament speaker, affirmed that Jerusalem remains the capital of Palestine, stressing that the two­ state solution is the only way to resolve the Palestinian cause. In regards to the title of the conference “Jerusalem ­ the eternal capital of the State of Palestine,” the Egyptian top lawmaker said that the decision was made in reaction to the decision by the US administration, which gave American legitimacy to Israel.

Arabs continue to fight for the Palestinian cause and the liberation of the people of Palestine, extending hands for peace in all recent international functions and conferences to promote the two­-state solution, said Abdel Aal, affirming all efforts in this current conference will be dedicated towards boosting Arab parliamentarian efforts to achieve justice for Palestine.

Delivering his speech to the event, Jordanian King Abdullah II’s representative and Jordanian parliament speaker Atef Al-­Tarawneh stressed the importance of standing together as Arabs during the current critical situation sweeping the region. The Palestinian cause is a central issue for Arabs and no peace in the region could be achieved without an independent State of Palestine and Jerusalem as the future capital.

The two-­day AIPU conference began earlier today to coordinate efforts among Arab parliaments on Palestine. Chief amongst the decision made in the opening session was the formation of a committee, which includes Kuwait, Jordan, and Palestine to compose the final communique of the conference.

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